Dominion Finance is Expanding

With the start of a new year, we have some significant changes underway at Dominion Finance. Molly McDonald Crowley, who is one of our loan administrators has completed her finance study and is becoming a fully fledged mortgage broker as of 4 February 2020. This is very exciting to see another one of our loan…

Canberra female mortgage brokers

Broker Renumeration Facts

Mortgage broking in the media As you may be aware the government has launched a Royal Commission into the banking industry. This Royal Commission also includes the role and remuneration of mortgage brokers, and to investigate complaints made by the public against specific mortgage brokers and potential fraudulent dealings. At Dominion Finance, we welcome the…

Mentor of the year National winner

Dominion Finance wins at eChoice awards!

Congratulations to Suzanne and Melita winning the Mentor of the Year award at the annual eChoice awards at Port Douglas last week. This is a great achievement and recognises the effort Suzanne and Melita put in to mentoring and training the crew in the Dominion Finance office, drawing on their many years of knowledge and…

Refinance and renovate

How To Refinance to Renovate

With the popularity of TV shows like The Block and My House Rules, property renovation is very popular. A renovation done well can not only improve your standard of living, it can dramatically increase the value of the property. Renovations can come at a significant cost, and therefore you may need to consider refinancing your…