Dominion Finance May 2023 Newsletter

  Welcome to this month’s Dominion Finance Newsletter for May 2023  There was so much speculation in the media and with the finance experts whether the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) would maintain the current cash rate or raise it at least one more time, we thought we might give it a rest and talk…

Dominion Finance April 2023 Newsletter

Welcome to this month’s Dominion Finance April Newsletter.  The Reserve Bank of Australia’s Board met today and for the first time since May 2022 they kept the cash rate on hold at 3.60%.  There were mixed views on the state of the economy, with some experts predicting that the RBA would raise rates for an…

Dominion Finance March 2023 Newsletter

Welcome to Autumn 2023…just like that days are getting shorter and summer holidays memories are beginning to fade.  This month we are going to talk about the incentives that banks and lenders are offering to customers to try and attract more business. These incentives are predominantly a cash lump sum, or it could be free…

Dominion Finance December 2022 Newsletter

Merry Christmas and welcome to the last Dominion Finance Newsletter for 2022.  Well, it certainly has been another tumultuous year, with the ongoing Covid presence, war in the Ukraine impacting global markets, and closer to home rising inflation and interest rates.  The Reserve Bank handed down another rise to the cash rate today and this…

Dominion Finance November 2022 Newsletter

Staying loyal to your lender could be costing you Homeowners who have not made any changes to their current home loans since the Reserve Bank commenced raising interest rates could be missing out on potential savings. While you may think that your loyalty to your lender will be rewarded, a recent 2022 analysis of the Australian…

Dominion Finance October 2022 Newsletter

Welcome once more to this month’s Dominion Finance newsletter, which is about preparing for the inevitable. Just like death and taxes, increases to the cash rate are now another grievance we must put up with. Watching the Queen’s funeral recently, I marvelled at the perfect precision how all the pomp and ceremonies took place. There…